Bri 18 posts

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Video: 1 year of Brooks, our first family day!

What a blessing it is to look back and reflect on this first year as a family. Boy, what a year! It’s been a year filled with many firsts, many struggles, and so much joy and love. It’s a blessing to look back as parents and reflect on how much God has grown and shaped […]


Court submission!

Yahooooo! Yesterday, August 11, 2020, we were submitted to court. Now we wait to receive our court hearing date. This date establishes when both Chris and I have to appear in South Korea at a court hearing in front of the judge that we are assigned. We will be arriving in Seoul 16-18 days prior […]


EP approval, travel planning, adopting during COVID-19

Hello, friends and family.  We’ve been getting lots of questions lately regarding the status of our adoption and how COVID-19 has affected our family. It’s been difficult for us to find the time and, honestly, the desire to put down some of our feelings this year. I recently read a book on suffering. It perfectly […]


Adoption Milestone: EP Submission!

Last month, we FINALLY received the happy news that our request for an emigration permit for Brooks had been submitted on May 18, 2020. We announced the exciting news on social media and are finally now adding it to the blog site. Our dossier that we had sent to South Korea exactly 262 days prior […]


Building our adoption fundraiser puzzle

Over a year ago, together with our GoFundMe profile, we nervously launched a puzzle fundraiser to help ease the financial burden of our international adoption. The response was something only a great and gracious God could have orchestrated. We were able to sell 812 puzzle pieces and raise over $20,300!! While we still have large […]


EP Waiting, Coronavirus, and Ash Wednesday

Anybody following our story knows that we have experienced many of the highs and lows inherent with international adoption. We have experienced the indescribable joy, the soaring of everything inside us to cloud-height, of finally seeing our son’s picture and learning about him and receiving updates on his progress. We have also experienced the pain […]


Fall 2019 update – Waiting for EP submission

Happy Thanksgiving to our village! Some time has passed since our last blog post and we feel the need to give a little update even though there hasn’t been much adoption news to share lately.  On August 30 our dossier was sent to Korea. (See adoption timeline). In October, we completed our home study update […]


Gifts to our son (sending monthly care packages)

Each day we’re one day closer to Brooks and we’re officially in the stage where we can send care packages to him via our international adoption agency in Seoul, South Korea. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for a very long time and it’s kind of surreal to go to a store and walk […]


What has this process taught us? Waiting for a referral.

It’s been a few months since we’ve updated the blog, so we wanted to take the time to let y’all know how we’re doing and what life has been like for us lately.  Quite simply, we’ve been taking one day at a time. We’re not trying to think much further ahead than that. Each day, […]


Our most frequently asked questions

Disclaimer: Every single adoption process is different. This has been ours and can be used as a guide, but know that each process can vary greatly on so many different factors. When we first announced our adoption last year we shared answers with family and friends to some very common adoption-related questions. We wanted to […]