Currently Browsing: Korean Adoption
Happy Thanksgiving to our village! Some time has passed since our last blog post and we feel the need to give a little update even though there hasn’t been much adoption news to share lately. On August 30 our dossier was sent to Korea. (See adoption timeline). In October, we completed our home study update […]
Each day we’re one day closer to Brooks and we’re officially in the stage where we can send care packages to him via our international adoption agency in Seoul, South Korea. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to for a very long time and it’s kind of surreal to go to a store and walk […]
We are so excited to finally share that we have received and accepted a referral! A little under two weeks ago, we received the call that we had been waiting on for what felt like an eternity. We had been matched with a 7-month-old boy! Later that evening, we were finally able to see his […]
It’s been a few months since we’ve updated the blog, so we wanted to take the time to let y’all know how we’re doing and what life has been like for us lately. Quite simply, we’ve been taking one day at a time. We’re not trying to think much further ahead than that. Each day, […]
There have been many aspects of the adoption process that have been challenging. For us, it seems that there have been extra, unique twists and turns in an already confusing and overwhelming process. The past month or so has been dedicated to saving and raising money, applying for grants, and working ahead on future paperwork […]
Disclaimer: Every single adoption process is different. This has been ours and can be used as a guide, but know that each process can vary greatly on so many different factors. When we first announced our adoption last year we shared answers with family and friends to some very common adoption-related questions. We wanted to […]
This Valentine’s Day we’re celebrating all the love and support we’ve received by so many people throughout our international adoption process so far. The outpouring continues to amaze us. So far through our GoFundMe and donations given by cash and check we’ve been able to raise nearly $8,500 to help ease the cost of our […]
One of the things that we’ve discovered during this process is that social media can be a phenomenal tool to connect with other people and families and a great way to share our story. The goal of this blog has been to share our experiences for families who are or who will go through the […]
We made the news! Our CBS 58 news story Earlier this week we shared on Facebook and Instagram that our adoption story was going to be highlighted on CBS 58. Our story aired on the evening of January 29, 2019. We wanted to share the news article and video with you in case you missed […]
Of all the questions we get about our adoption, this question is among the most frequently asked: why did you choose to adopt from Korea? As we’ve mentioned elsewhere on this blog, adoption has always been something that we talked about, even before we were married. As an aside, adoption has been a big part […]